Brian Llapitan

Voice Ages
Young Adult
Middle Age

Delivery Methods
Real Person


Vocal Characteristics
According to script, Angry, Announcer-type, Approachable, Authentic, Authoritative, B Actor, Believable, Believable, Deep, Believable, Deep, Bossy, Brash, Breathy, Calm, Carefree, Casual, Character, Cheeky, Comedian, Commanding, Company Spokesperson, Compassionate, Concieted, Confident, Convincing, Cool, Creepy, Dark, Diabolic, Distinguished, Dramatic, Easy Listening, Easy-listening, Egotistical, Encouraging, Evil Genious, Experienced, Encouraging, Friendly, Fullness, Fun, Guttural growl and speak, Hint of Edge, Horror, Hungover, Irritated, judgement, Kind, Krusty the Klown, Lackluster, Lazy, Light-hearted, Lisp, Lusty, Mature, Melodramatic, Narrator, Nasal, nerdy, New York accent Buffalo, Opposed, Persuasive, phony, Playful, Positive, Powerful, Practical, pretentious, Punker, Puzzled, Quiet, Quirky, Raunchy, Real, Relatable, Relaxed, Rogue, Sarcastic, Scared/Jumpy, Sensible, Silly, Sincere, sleepy, Slight Southern Accent, street smart, Strong, Surfer, Terror, Tough, Tranquil, Truck Driver, Ugly, Umpire, unimpressed, Upbeat, Versatile, Very Versatile, Vile, Warm, weird, Western Twang, Wholesome, Wild, Will Provide to Suit, Wise, With A Hint Of Edge, Wizard, Wrath, Young, Youthful, Zany, Zombie/Undead moans
I've always been a "character", ever since I was a little kid. I would always do funny things, act like my favorite movie character, and make up voices. That continued on into my teen years, then I discovered heavy metal, and became a singer of several well regarded bands NME, and Godspit. I still perform music, but I never lost my passion for creating voices and characters. So I have taken the journey to become a professional voice actor, and am looking forward to helping make projects the best they can possibly be.

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